Free WordAi - AI Text Rewriter (new!)

Rewrite your text no matter its length for free with our paragraph rewriter and avoid every AI detector or plagiarism checker.

"We are not affiliated with Free WordAI is an independent and free text rewriting tool."

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What is the use of Free WordAi?

what to do with free wordai

For anyone who doesn't know, Free WordAI is a completely free paraphrasing tool for rewording sentences, rewriting articles, paraphrasing long essays and many other types of content.

With its powerful artificial intelligence technology, it is the best AI powered rewriter that you can find right now, and on top of that it totally free.

Free WordAI can pass AI detection with ease and produces high quality content on a click. It produces a restyled vocabulary and unique new words and synonyms that will make any article rewriting and every peace of content look brand new and perhaps better than yours.

Can I use WordAi for free?

use wordai for free

You can't use WordAI for free, it cost from 17 $ per month 50,000 words limit to 57 $ per month for 3,000,000 rewrite words with less than 50% of those words not passing AI detection.

Free WordAI in the other offers all its services for free:

  • No sign-in required and no subscription required or something similar
  • No words limit at every paraphrasing and rewording request
  • No words limit for no period of time
  • Every created content is unique an will pass AI detection

Free WordAI is rewriter with human quality content that prevents detection with its AI powered technology that was trained on high quality content with a lot of tweaks to remove any traces of AI content.

The result is a paraphrased content writer like a human will do. The sentences and every peace of content processed by our artificial intelligence can make a new original text

Is WordAi detectable?

is wordai detectable

In their official website, WordAI admits that more than 50% of the generated words is detectable. For example in their basic plan, they offer 50,000 words per month and they clearly announce that 25,000 are detectable.

In the other Free WordAI was developed to overcome not only the need to change the woriginal content to remove plagiarism, but also to be the only paraphrasing tool that is at the same time free and prevents AI detection.

How to avoid AI detection with Free WordAI?

avoid ai detection with free wordai

Insert your text and click the button Rephrase with undetectable AI. Free WordAI will bypass AI detection by applying changes in the sentence structure, it will use different writing style and add new words that are unique. 

Free WordAI will give you the possibility to retry again for new result. Each time to paraphrase the same content you will get new rewritten content to help you choose what suits you the best.

Free WordAI has an uses advanced vocabulary that is fluent and eloquent at the time. This is why rewriting content with our paraphrasing tool makes it better and elevated it to make it professional

Can I get a refund from WordAi?

refund from wordai

WordAI will refund you in the first month if you used less that 10 articles.

In the other hand, Free WordAI wont, because it will never take money from you. That's because Free WordAI charges nothing for life.

WordAI is a wonderful tool that had proven itself for a lot of years. This Free paraphraser has nothing to do with them. We have our own entity and group and our goal is to make AI paraphrasing tools available to students and other people in the word that struggle to pay online.

Does Free WordAI surpasses Quillbot?

does free wordai surpasses quillbot

Free WordAI has no limitations in word count and text length, its AI technology is newer that Quillbot's and perhaps better because it takes in consideration the actual AI fast evolution.

Free WordAI doesn't offer, for now, as much options as Quillbot does, however the AI powered rewriter can write in different styles and with undetectable AI in all its produced content. Quillbot in the other hand can only partially pass AI detection.

(You may want to check paraphrasing in APA)

Is Free WordAI a free text rewriter?

is free wordai a free text rewriter

Yes Free WordAI will rewrite any text with any length and without any limit. This is your number one to facilitate your work and increase your phrase level. It has a level of rewriting that surpasses any actual rewriting tool.

We make text paraphrasing available for everybody. If you are a student looking to achieve a memoir, a teacher who is bored with his old content, a blogger who wants to rewrite his page or scrap  a piece of content from some source, this is your perfect free tool.

As our UI is very easy to use with user friendly features even on mobile platforms, this make from us the perfect rewording tool even for mobile and tablet

Is there a free WordAI alternative?

is there a free wordai alternative is the perfect alternative to wordai, as it offers an unlimited paraphrasing service with no limit. Free WordAI doesn't even require a sign-up, so that you can instantly start testing any article rewriting.

It will prevent any AI detection because it works on every piece of your content to change the structure, change the style, add synonyms and use another words. This will make it pass AI because it has all the human quality writing skills.

Is there a WordAI premium account free?

is there a wordai premium account free

There isn't such an account in the WordAI official website. Their basic plan starts from 17 $ per month.

Free WordAI rewriting tool is free and has no limitation. You can sentence rephrase your content and be undetected by every AI detecting tool available.

Is it good for SEO to use articles?

seo to use wordai com articles

Using WordAI articles is not good for SEO as it is an AI generated text that is not fully undetectable as they state in their official plans.

In general, it is not good practice to just rephrase articles and try to rank on Google. You can use WordAI in your articles but just for removing plagiarism. You still need to add your touch to the content to ad value to it.

Free WordAI is fully undetectable AI and 100% a free paraphrasing tool to make high quality content but yet you shouldn't use it to rewrite other articles with no value added.

How to make AI generated text pass AI detection?

how to make ai generated text pass ai detection

Rewriting content with our Free rewriting tool will get you a pass through any kind of AI content detectors. The Free WordAI update is always performed to our models to make the generated content with qualities of a professional human writer.

Actually, the best rewriting tools available now, can't fully pass AI content detectors. The more you rewrite text, the more you'll have AI smell in it. This is a fact. Why? 

That's because the top paraphrasing tools brand uses old models that are not following this fast trending of AI especially with the rise of ChatGPT and other models. They need time to adjust and level up their rewording services.

Free WordAI had already been successful following the AI trend, and it keeps making progress by providing a totally free service for rewording any type of content.

What are paraphrasing tool use cases?

what are paraphrasing tool use cases

Here are 7 situations where you may need a paraphrasing tool:

  • You can't write correctly, you paraphrase to level up your style
  • You need to use an available peace of content and prevent literal copy
  • You want to change your articles or work old style for a modern one
  • You rewrite your content to make it more fluent and readable in public
  • Paraphrase your repeatable content like a contact page or a welcome paragraph 
  • Use paraphrasing to report news and events in a unique style and with new words
  • Prevent AI detection and content plagiarism within your report, website or others

You may want to check paraphrasing in APA

Can Free WordAi rewrite my essay?

Yes, Free WordAi can indeed rewrite your essay because by using its advanced AI algorithms, Free WordAi meticulously analyzes the context of your text in its small details to make rewriting smooth. Through its modern AI Word understanding of language, Free WordAi reconstructs sentences and rearranges paragraphs, all while maintaining a natural flow similar to professional human expression. Free Word AI can greatly improve your essay, making it flow better and connect with your readers more naturally.

Can Free WordAi be detected by Turnitin?

No, because Free WordAi rewrites text so well that it's like a human wrote it, making it hard to tell it's AI. This uniqueness means Turnitin can't spot it as AI content or AI word. So, when you use Free WordAi to rewrite your essay, Turnitin won't flag it as copied from an AI or

Free WordAI has a new AI detector

Free WordAI has made for its users a free AI detector with no word limit based on artificial intelligence making AI detection available for you with no word limit.

Free WordAI has created this AI detector next to our main tool which is the paraphrasing tool and the humanizer, for you to have a complete writing toolset with no charge.

All our tools are unique and made with highly qualified and professional experts in artificial intelligence. Our new AI detector is no much with what is available, even the paied tools.

Be free to use all Free WordAI tools any time you want on desktop, mobile or any other device.

free wordai ai detector